The People vs Larry Flynt

You may not like what he does, but are you prepared to give up his right to do it?
You may not like what he does, but are you prepared to give up his right to do it?
D: Milos Forman
Columbia Tristar/Ixtlan/Phoenix (Oliver Stone, Janet Yang & Michael Hausman)
US 1996
130 mins
W: Scott Alexander & Larry Karazewski
DP: Philippe Rousselot
Ed: Christopher Tellefsen
Mus: Thomas Newman
Woody Harrelson (Larry Flynt), Courtney Love (Althea Leasure), Edward Norton (Alan Isaacman), James Cromwell (Charles Keating), Crispin Glover (Arlo)
A controversial biopic of the outspokenly outrageous publisher of the pornographic magazine Hustler, who became a campaigner for the right to exercise free speech during the late 70's to mid-80's.
Woody Harrelson is a great actor, often underrated, and he really sinks his teeth into this performance and has a lot of fun with the character, deservingly winning an Oscar nomination for his performance, but the real revelation here is Courtney Love, with an outstanding performance as Flynt's drug-addicted wife.
A great movie from the 1990's which is just as relevance today, especially in its regards to the importance of free speech. 

Edward Norton & Woody Harrelson in The People vs Larry Flynt
Edward Norton & Woody Harrelson in The People vs Larry Flynt